  • UI React

  • Style React

  • Icons Material React

  • Algorithms

  • AMQP

  • API

  • AWS

  • Binary Tree

  • Cache

  • Cookie

  • Date

  • Diff

  • Errors

  • Graph

  • Hash Table

  • Heap

  • Huffman Code

  • Linked List

  • Log

  • Lz77

  • Meta

  • Models

  • Mongo

  • Node

  • Queue

  • Redis

  • Request

  • Stack

  • Storage

  • Style

  • Subscription

  • Test

  • Utils

  • Zip

Worlds First 100% Open Source Material Design 3 Based UI Library

Make Modern Web & Mobile Apps Quickly 100+ UI elements


I am Lazar Erić, maker of amaui. I made amaui ecosystem of front-end & back-end tools, including UI React library with 100+ UI elements, based on newest Material Design 3, all a 100% Open source and free to use, as I want to push our market forward.

Waste less time on building tools, and more on making modern apps quickly, with quality.

amaui made

100% Open source,

MIT license


Modern code


Alpha version


Browser & Nodejs

Disclaimer: This is an independent open source project, and is not in any way affiliated with Alphabet Inc., Google Inc. or any of their projects.

Copyright © 2022 Lazar Erić

Made with
